Following a John K's request, here you have some screenshots from a rarely seen proto-Bugs Bunny cammeo from Clampett's "Patient Porky" ( 1940). Enjoy!
In a man' life, it comes the day when you have to thank someone. And it's today! I want to give a special thanks to my friend Jerry Beck, one of the greatest animation historians ever been...Without him this blog simply would not be the same.
I also want to thank John K, another one of my heroes. He frequently linked to my blog and he spent nice words about me and my work.
Then, I want to thank you all the frequent (and the occasional) readers of this blog. I hope you'll like my posts as well as mmm...donut's.
This funny Tex Avery cartoon was released with this cut even on the excellent "The Compleat Tex Avery" laserdisc boxed set. Here you can see this gag as originally intended.
We start with Spike trying to get rid of the gopher.....
In many print, after the explosion, we cannot see the effect of the explosion on Spike. Here you have what you were not allowed to of the most outrageous black face gags in cartoon history....
Here you have some screenshots from a terrific Clampett short, "Porky's Party". It does feature the antics of one of the greatest one-shot character ever appeared in a cartoon, Goosey. Enjoy!
Here you have another cool character. The pelican from "Porky and Daffy"!
This is one of the funniest sequences in the cartoon!
Here's none other than director Clampett himself making a cammeo!