Well here is my take on Golden comic..recieved from ebay today...
I like the limited colour of gold yellow it sure suits the name..
Love the Header of the comic title..love the Beano to do this one day...the header takes the shape of the readers meeting the editor Sam Smiles!! Maybe Euan Kerr should of changed his name for The Beano to Euan Merry..The Dandy's previous Editor Morris Heggie to Morris Happy..the thirties comics were certainly a smiley time fro comics..
The cover strip is half good and half wooden to me...it falls between two stools..the handsome character Lt Daring has no expression or fun like Jolly Roger...I think Scooby Doo though good had this problem as well..the adult characters don't have has much personality unlike the cartooney Scooby..If the characters were drawn in a Flintstone style it would work even better.

Reg Perrott
This strip needs more pictures it would work even better as a two pager..
UPDATE artist name Fred Robinson thanks to Lew Stringer for info..I liked this strip..wished the comic had more cartoon strips like this and the cover..I like the ending of the Monkey driver capturing the animal Bear..

Secretly Smugglers Castle by Arthur Mansbridge
Both good stories.
Love the well drawn Windmill in Little Brother some great shading.
Secretly Smugglers Castle is also good..though not so much expression..the mystrious Monk at the end is a nice cliffhanger..
The rest of the comic are text stories which are not for me..kids sure liked to read then..
Would I buy another Golden comic..the answer is no...it needed more humour pages...Getting Tip-Top soon hopefully with more humour pages..
See Lews take on Golden comic here..Great minds think alike :))
http://lewstringer.blogspot.com/2009/12/vintage-colour-comics-golden-no125-1940.htmlIf i got any artists wrong let me know..
Thanks to Lew for giving me the artists names from his blog post..
http://www.comicsuk.co.uk/Gallery/NormalDisplayWhole.htmThe Header of Golden comic changes at Christmas..shame the header doesn't change every week like other comics with Roy Wilson art on co0ver..
We are due another Golden age..lets hope the Tennies will be that:)
Happy New Year..amazing I've had nearly 40000 views from May 2009 that is great news..shows how comics are still important to people even today..
Also the blog is nearly two years old..nearly run out of space!!
..so will have to move blog post topics to another blog I have...probably the Buster front covers..Jackpot..Krazy I'll move to make some space..will keep yuo posted..heres to 2010..