Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nadal drew The Nutts in Valiant

these are from the early 70's Valiant.
Nadal also drew for Buster
Big 'Ead
Blarney Bluffer
Buster's DiaryBuster's Dreamworld
Buster's Dreamworld: 20th January 1968 - 15th June 1974
Art: Nadal

Lazy Sprocket
Milkiway The Man From Mars

Minnie's Mixer UPDATED

.....A food mixer mixes all kinds of things together in funny ways. like a dog with a lampost!

Penny Pincher
Professor Nutcase
Ug & Tug

Kashgar has given this information in correction of Best Of British magazine.

Nadal is a Spanish comic artist. His strips do have a European feel because of this.

He is great at drawinng pretty girls..:)It does have an Asterisk feel...