Thursday, March 25, 2010

Paddy Brennan's The White Witch The Topper early 60's

Kashgar wrote:
it was only with The White Witch, which featured in Topper's full colour centre-spread, that we get an absolute idea of how Paddy sought to interpret the work of Rider Haggard. It is brilliant though.

Though I've got most episodes of the later two sequels I really wish I had more examples from 'The White Witch' (adapted from a Rider Haggard book better known simply as 'She'). As can be seen in this action-packed installment Brennan was capable of producing work that IMHO bears comparison with some of the very greatest newspaper strips, such as Hal Foster's Prince Valiant. One thing that impresses me is the positive depiction of certain black characters - particularly the noble warrior Umslopogaas who has far more in common with Conan the Barbarian than any of the usual racial caricatures that tended to appear in British comics of the early 1960s.
Phil Rushton

The large colour panels really show off the battle in a powerful way...
Paddy at his best..

Thanks to Phil Rushton and Kashgar at comicsuk forum.