Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Black Panther: Man Without Fear

At the end of Ed Brubaker's run on DD, Matt Murdock became the leader of the Hand. Andy Diggle took the story from there and continued into a crossover event called "Shadowland". The whole thing ended with the fall of Murdock and a new Daredevil. The DD series ends with #512 and the Black Panther storyarc begins with #513 (just like how Incredible Hercules continued the numbering of Incredible Hulk when Herc took over the book). Matt Murdock will return in an upcoming miniseries in 2011.

As for now, I'm happy that Black Panther is getting a little bit more spotlight again with this series and the Klaws of the Panther mini by Jonathan Maberry following the "Doomwar" event.

Finally, here's the cover to "DD: Reborn" #1 drawn by Jock that is due in January 2011: