Friday, July 9, 2010

The Death of Cable

The above cover shows Cable carrying a mountain on his back in order to protect his surrogate daughter, Hope. It is reminscent of the Hulk carrying a mountain in Secret Wars to protect the MU heroes. This variant cover to X-Force #28 is everything you need to know about the man Cable - Nathan Christopher Summers. Oh yes, and did I forget to mention that he dies in this issue?

Yes, Cable is finally dead. And what a way to go. Protecting mutantkind, fighting for his beliefs, and giving his life for the daughter that he loves more than life. I'll miss the character. He was the reason I continued reading the X-titles throughout the 1990s and into the present. I guess this is as good a time as any to finally jump off the bandwagon. My favourite X-Man is finally dead.

From the above preview images, Cable died holding up Bastion's time portal, overstraining himself and losing control of the techno-organic virus that ultimately consumed him entirely. What a way to go. As a soldier, mutant messiah-prophet and father.

Cable is the poster boy for mutant-cool. Wolverine and Cyclops can step aside...

How would I like to remember Nathan Christopher Summers? To me, he'll always be the Rob Liefeld Cable from the New Mutants/X-Force books in the early 1990s: