Thursday, March 3, 2011

Review: Drive Angry

Nicholas Cage comes back from hell to take on a Satanic cult in order to rescue his granddaughter. Along the way, he kills a gazillion of shits and teams-up with a hot blonde played by Amber Heard. Also, the Accountant from hell is on his tail and flips coins that turn into FBI badges. And yes, Nic Cage has a gun called the God-Killer. Oh, he's also named John Milton - you know, Satan's friend who wrote that little poem about the infernal one?

Ah, why am I telling you all this? The story doesn't matter one bit. This film is simply a celebration of junkiness in film. Just when Tarantino and Rodriguez made Grindhouse into faux-Arthouse, we get this piece of junk that returns Grindhouse to his junky glory. Personally, I enjoyed every single bit of this film - except the parts that I never got to see, thanks to the local censors who protect our tender sensibilities and morals from the slightest hint of nudity while allowing all sorts of "F-bombs" and violence and supernatural crap to be shown!