Thursday, March 3, 2011

RIP Gary Moore and Dwayne McDuffie

Gary Moore passed away last month. I mourned his death by playing his CD again and again and again. Then a week or so later, my favourite writer when I was growing up, Dwayne McDuffie, also died. I was in a very bluesy mood throughout the week last week. Picked up the "Acts of Vengeance" omnibus and read Dwayne's 1989 works while listening to Gary Moore playing "The Loner". I felt like it was the 1980s all over again when everyone wanted to "goreng" on the guitar with passion like Moore and we all aspired to the heroism of the rascally Hawkeye as McDuffie wrote him. It was a stupid time but we were passionate about stuff then which is more than can be said for this present generation. Sigh! Here's a thumbs up to two of my childhood heroes. RIP Gary Moore. RIP Dwayne McDuffie.

[Postscript: My kids just saw "All Star Superman" on DVD last night. That was McDuffie's final work. It was released a few days before his death. They are also reading "Beyond", the miniseries by Dwayne and artist Scott Kolins from a few years back.]